Raisins, more commonly known as kismis are not just a sweet add on to your dessert and snacks; they serve many health benefits. These can specifically help in improving overall health especially Indian diets. This post takes a deep dive into the multiple benefits of kismis, its nutritional profile and how it can be good for health, skin as well hair.

Nutritional Profile of Kismis

Raisins are simply dried grapes that have a high content of natural sugars along with tons of essential vitamins and minerals. All of them have a very similar nutrient profile per 100g; so in this case, here is just an average based on that weight:

  • Calories: 299
  • Carbohydrates: 79g
  • Protein: 3.1g
  • Fiber: 3.7g
  • Sugar: 59.2g
  • Fat: 0.5g
  • Iron: 1.9mg
  • Potassium: 749 mg
  • Calcium: 50mg
  • Vitamin C: 2.3mg

These nutrients make kismis a caloric and health friendly cereal product.

Health Benefits of Kismis

Digestive Health

Raisins: Kismis are a good source of dietary fiber which is beneficial for better digestion. Having soaked kismis can help with constipation as it makes the stool soft and promotes regular bowel activity.

Iron and Anemia Prevention

Kismis provided with iron as it is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Regular consumption can also help prevent anemia and counteract fatigue through better oxygen transport in the body.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Kismis, although containing natural sugar, still has a low to moderate glycemic index. This way, they slow the amount of sugar entering your bloodstream and are an ideal snack for maintaining stable blood glucose​​.

Heart Health

Kismis is high in nutrients like potassium and antioxidants that promote heart health by controlling blood pressure levels and reducing inflammation. Rich in these essential nutrients they play a role in reducing risk of heart diseases and help keep your cardiovascular system healthy.

Bone Health

Raisins are a source of calcium and boron – two nutrients that also help in keeping your bones healthy. By drinking it on a regular basis, you help stave off osteoporosis and boost your overall bone density.

Weight Management

Also, kismis is full of fiber which can help you to feel fuller and avoid binging in between meals thereby aiding weight management. They offer a rapid energy rise, without resorting to an excessive number of calories that could encourage them to lose weight effortlessly similarTickets are the recipe for instant snacks.

Benefits for Skin and Hair

Skin Health

Raisins are rich in antioxidants and other essential vitamins that aid to remove impurities from the blood, making your skin clear. It can contribute in reducing age lines, rejuvenating the skin and helps you not to look aged because of fighting against free radicals.

Hair Health

Kismis are rich in iron, and blood flow to the scalp is significantly enhanced by an increase of iron which subsequently fosters hair follicles with healthful regulations. They also contain antioxidants that protect hair fall and premature graying.

Culinary Uses of Kismis

Kismis can be used in a number of culinary dishes, positively impacting both sweet and savory recipes. A distinct sweetness and texture to curries, biryanis, et cetera. Kismis is also used in baking, adding moisture and a rich taste to cakes, cookies as well as bread.

How To Add More Kismis Into Your Diet

Breakfast: Stir in soaked kismis into your morning cereal or oatmeal.

Evening snacks: Combine kismis with nuts to make a healthy trail mix.

Cooking: Add kismis to Rice dishes, salad or curries for taste and nourishment.

Baking: Think of using kismis in cookies, cakes, and bread for an added natural source of sweetness.

Also Read: A to Z of Skin Care with WellHealthOrganic in Hindi


By adding kismis to your daily diet, you can lead a healthy lifestyle. Kismis have various benefits ranging from improved digestion to better heart health, brighter skin and hair. Even this tiny dried fruit can be beneficial if one knows how to use it properly.